Sunday, 9 March 2014

What can I do? I'm STAMPLESS

Hi all, hope you're having a lovely weekend now that the sun is shining and spring flowers are blooming.

I'm having a bit of a stay in hospital and to help the days pass more quickly, I've been doing a little crafting. I've not been able to craft for so long, I've just been doing what I had to do and then coming to a dead stop. Life seems to have taken its toll! The really problem of course is that I have not had time to pack a good kit to bring with me (my bag was packed by Al who forgot that a stamper needs stamps!

That Gez Butterworth though has got me playing with pencil and paper and I've been doing a little drawing

What do you think, do the drawings pass muster?

Been looking around blogger too and thought I'd enter this for the less is more challenge where Chrissie wants us to design a card with one layer so the crocus card will fit the bill.

Must say I've enjoyed creating again
Wishing you joyful moment.


Vee Cassidy said...

Hey there, Michelle. These are all kinds of wonderful. You don't need stamps with talent like this. Look forward to more. Sorry I have not been around for a long time but I was not on blogland for many months and just popped in this week. Hope hospital is not too awful. Hugs, Vee xx

Virginia said...

They are gorgeous hun, you don't need stamps when you can create like this, hope the sun is shining a little more where you are!


Joan said...

These are wonderful Michelle.Hope you are better soon

G Peplow said...

Fab drawings Michelle, love all the soft inking too. It's amazing how you manage with so few supplies :D I hope this weather is helping to lift your spirits, hugs Gay x

Fiona said...

Hi Michelle
Long time no see! Sorry to hear you are in hospital and hope you will be home soon. Your crocus sketch is fab and perfect for the LIM challenge. If I could draw like that I wouldn't need to stamp.

Sazzle Dazzle said...

simply fabulous and gorgeous colours and colouring. x

Anne said...

Wow Michelle these are just fab, amazing creations, hope you get better soon
Thanks for taking part in the one layer challenge at LIM this week Anne (Guest LIM commenter)

Jen Nelson said...

these are fabulous

Thanks for joining us this week
Jen xx
Less Is More

debby4000 said...

You don't need stamps they are gorgeous.

Mandi said...

Both fabulous, specially like the crocus one

Thank you for supporting LIM

Christine B. said...

Great drawing Michelle and beautiful inking and colouring. So nice to see you blogging again. Love and crafty hugs. xx ChrisB