Friday, 2 January 2015

A close shave

As always I've made quite a few of my Christmas pressies and this was one I've enjoyed making immensely. The shaving soap is citrus flavour and is simply melt and pour soap with the addition of olive oil and kaolin to give it a good slip when shaving.

To finish the kit I added a shaving brush and a 100% cotton, hand knitted face cloth, knitted fairly loosely to ensure it rinses out well. The box was made out of Kanban Papers with a tag made using the robin stamps from Woodware.
'Twas lovely starting my creative Christmas making these. Men's pressies are always difficult but these did the trick for some of the many men in my life.

Hope you all had a good Christmas and wishing you all you would wish for yourself in the coming year.
Much love
Michelle x


ElizabethR said...

That's fabulous what a great pressie, wishing you lots of love this New Year, Elizabeth xxx

Anne said...

Happy New Year Michelle! I love this idea for a man's gift - my son could do with one!!! I am going to start making my summer gifts soon. I wok in a school and there's always lots of gifts handed around at the end of the school year and I've found that the handmade ones are always hugely appreciated. And Yes, get your Craft Robo out again, I'd love to see what you get up to with it! X

Sally H said...

A beautiful gift, Michelle. Pleased to see you are enjoying being creative again. Hope 2015 brings you good health, peace and happiness x