Thursday, 13 March 2014

A butterfly box

I made it into Harrogate today - just! I meant to go to Samuel Taylor's but darn it! It was closed. I did find this little treasure though in The Works so hi tailed it back to the ward to have a go at altering it.

Not bad for a couple if quid and a bit of ink me thinks. When I'm allowed to have some bleach in my brush I might bleach some colour out of the butterflies.
I've also done another journal page if you want to pop over to my journal blog to have a look.

Hope you're having sunny days
X Michelle


Virginia said...

Oh that's beautiful Michelle, lovely to see you crafting again!

Sally H said...

Stunning drawers, Michelle! Fabulous colours! Going to have to try this!

TAM said...

This is lovely - must take a visit to my local "Works"

lisa said...

This is stunning, Michelle. Such bright colours. I hope it cheered you a little. If you used distress inks, just bleach them with water!!
Must have a look for these boxes.
Take care
Hugs Lisax