Friday, 28 March 2014

Having (another) play day!

For the first time in my life I've had now 5 weeks worth of time to devote purely to myself! I can't say I've enjoyed it, but I am enjoying the time it has given me to get back into crafting and blogging. It's been a delight to see some of the amazing creations on the blogs I visit and to receive such lovely comments on my work. Thanks awfully chaps n chappesses x

I've been messing about making Masterboards for a project I'll show later, and made this card with the off cuts

The second card was made with a stamped image I found in amongst the stash I brought with me. This is the only picture of a clown that I like, I usually find them scary but this one makes me smile.

If anyone knows what stamp it is could you let me know, it's one clown stamp I need to possess.

Hope today's finding you smiling!
x Michelle


Unknown said...

You make me smile Michelle xxx

ElizabethR said...

Both are gorgeous cards, I don't know who the stamp is by, sorry. So lovely to see you blogging again, Elizabeth xxx

georgina said...

Michelle its actually fairy with a balloon,I have it lol, luv Georgina x

Unknown said...

Michelle, sometimes we just need that time out, and I hope that you are feeling much better, I have to say your cards are as ever, stunning, my friend, wish I could come down and give your this cuddle for real, lots of love and hugs xxxx

Christine B. said...

Two beautiful cards Michelle, your card made me smile. Hugs x ChrisB

Mandy Ashley said...

Both your cards are beautiful & made me smile. Love the clean design & the images used. :)

craftimamma said...

Fabulous cards from you as always Michelle. I have to say I'm amazed if that image is a fairy as Georgina says. It looks like a clown to me too and I totally agree with you about clowns. I remember going to the circus as a child of about 10 and the clowns coming into the audience. I was terrified when one came along the row behind me and tickled my ear!

Hope today has been a good day Michelle.

Lots of love
Lesley Xx

Crafty Judith said...

Fab makes Michelle x

Unknown said...

Beautiful cards. Love the flowers!

Virginia said...

Gorgeous card - loving the board one too - beautiful!

Kate M said...

I love your card made from offcuts - beautiful!! Waste not want not!!
The clown one makes me smile too - fabulous!

G Peplow said...

Two little beauties Michelle, love them both :D Hope you have a good week, hugs gay x

Linda Simpson said...

Two fabulous cards Michelle. Love seeing your work and enjoy visiting.
Linda xxx