Monday, 31 March 2014

Tit for tat!

When mum was alive we would have a holiday together every year, and made a point of finding the nearest craft shop, buying a book and the bits to learn a new craft skill each time.

It was on a holiday to a tiny little coastal Hamlet called Newton Ferrers (in one of the boating lodges in the pic) that we taught ourselves to Tat, I've never forgotten how to make this sort of lace and I've never forgotten the holiday. I was heavily pregnant at the time and it was a scorching hot year (1975) and like a fool I fell asleep sunbathing in a bikini. Not only did I have pretty severe sunstroke but my bump got very badly sunburned. I had to spend the rest of the holiday holding my preggie dresses off my tum cos it was so very sore. I learned more than just tatting that year, I learned not to fall asleep in the sun and Never again to get pregnant. The first I have never done again, the second.............well it did take eleven years for that vow to be broken!

Here are the tatted earrings I made. They are fairly quick to make which is fortuitous as all the gone wrong ones will make great embellishment for my cards!

X Michelle


Virginia said...

Oh Michelle they are gorgeous and obviously evoke lots of memories too! Sending you hugs!

Linda Simpson said...

These are gorgeous Michelle, I would like to try this when I have the time.
Linda xxx

Kate M said...

Thanks for sharing your story with us - great memories for you! These earrings are beautiful. I love to see tatting, but somehow have never found the time to learn.

G Peplow said...

Fabulous memories Michelle and equally fab earrings, well done you :D x

georgina said...

Lovely ..... Need an address Michelle x