Wednesday, 16 August 2017

A little bit of Mimi.

I've been following the amazing work of Mimi for some while now and live in awe of her skill and ability to develop new ways of using stamps and products to produce the most amazing art. (Click on the link for you tube tutorials) Her generosity in sharing her techniques have allowed me to make an attempt at creating something vaguely similar. 

Mimi uses Penny Black stamps, of which I'm sadly missing from my stash (so far) so I've looked for similar types of stamp and used what I have.

Quite pleased with the result but always aware of the faults. Still as my shrink insists on telling me, "that's a judgement of yourself and therefore not necessarily reliable or in fact necessary" maybe one day I'll believe him!

Thanks for the encouragement and support on my blog and Facebook, so lovely to see all your ideas too. Wow am I smiling!

Big hugs

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