Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Painted People

It's been a while since I went on the fantastic Kassa Haseldene workshop run buy Sue from Artists Trading Post but I've finally managed to finish the last of the two canvas we were working on.

Doesn't he look like Poldark? Just love those eyes!

Tha workshop was truly inspirational and set me on to using a photo I found in a Sunday telegraph supplement many moons ago

I can't remember what the photo was about (possibly photos of the inmates at a Russian Goolag) but his face haunts me. It speakers to me at such a deeply emotional level that it's hard to work out what I feel about him. I see so much in his eyes but can't really articulate any of it. I just knew I wanted to try to use the techniques I'd learned during Kassa's class on him. 
Hope I've done him justice!

I quite liked the colour combo too (and had put too much paint on my palate so created a journal page too. check it out on the link at the side of the page. 

I'm off now to play with the new Penny Black stamps which have just arrived - well I did say I didn't possess any .......yet!
Hope your day is filled with fun and laughter
X Michelle


lisa said...

Hi Michelle
It's great to see you back on your blog with your beautiful work. I've just been having a browse. Love these canvases, the use of the faces is great. I've been playing with journaling but still have a lot to learn. Thanks for popping over to visit me. Yes, it was a very old polkadoodle stamp, one of my favourites still!!
Looking forward to a catch up too, have pm'd you on fb.
Hugs Lisa xx

Sue said...

Ooh Michelle, these are amazing. I love how you've used the faces xx